Canada is ready to welcome over 1 million immigrants in the next 2 years

Canada is one of the most preferred the countries in the world for immigration, offering a high quality of life as well as a competitive employment market for professionals. If you are looking to move to Canada permanently, this is useful information you may help you to start your journey. Canada’s Start-Up Visa Program Canada’s Start-Up Visa Program (“Start- Up

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US Loses Strength as a Private Wealth Magnet but Canada Holds Its Own

Travel & Markets, Henley & Partners: The US has plummeted to 6th place in the Top 10 countries globally in terms of net inflows and outflows of millionaires projected for 2022, according to forecast high-net-worth-individual (HNWI) figures published in the latest Henley Global Citizens Report, which tracks private wealth and investment migration trends worldwide.   The largest wealth market in the world by some margin, accounting for

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