Breaking these laws in popular tourist destinations could be costly 

Breaking these laws in popular tourist destinations could be costly 

Holidaymakers have been warned that popular destinations are cracking down on tourists with unheard-of laws, which could see them hit with hefty fines and jail sentences. 

Ahead of the summer season, the holiday car rental experts at have researched the most unknown laws at popular locations across the globe so tourists aren’t caught off guard. 

Every year millions of tourists pack their bags and jet off to soak up the sun, culture, and sites of different counties where some unintentionally break laws and are punished accordingly. 

There are many strange laws and local customs in other countries, but some are so bizarre that they would catch even the most experienced traveller out. 

Perceived harmless acts, like wearing high heels or stepping on money, are illegal in some parts of the world. 

Spain, one of the most popular sunny European spots, has recently introduced a flurry of fine-able offences, including bans on inflatable sex dolls and blow-up penis costumes, which could see cheeky tourists lumped with a £650 if they ignore the rules.

A spokesperson for said: “Tourists should always research before jetting off on vacation so they don’t cut into their holiday budget by unknowingly breaking the law.

“Although some laws may not seem to make sense, holidaymakers must respect them else they could be fined or even locked up.

“Most tourists will not be intentionally setting out to break laws but will be unknowingly caught by unusual foreign rules they have never heard of before. 

“Being fined for wearing high heels may seem far-fetched and downright silly, but when travelling overseas, people must accept that different cultures and opinions lead to different law-making and something legal at home could be a huge no-no abroad.”

These are the most bizarre laws in popular holiday hotspots, according to

  1. Spain, Malaga – having blow-up dolls.

The popular party resort, Malaga, is known for its buzzing nightlife, but officials and locals have long expressed their distaste over the behaviour of the tourists it attracts. Those heading over for a raunchy holiday have been warned to leave their rude inflatables and costumes at home or risk a fine of 750 euros. The local government recently announced that it would be forbidden to walk or remain in the streets only in underwear or with clothes or accessories that represent genitals or with dolls or elements of a sexual nature in a significant crackdown against stag and hen dos. The new rule, approved this year, means tourists should stay clear of any funny sex accessories heading to the South of Spain. 

2.                     Greece, Acropolis of Athens- wearing high heels

In Greece, by law, it is forbidden to wear high heels to lots of famous tourist attractions like the Acropolis and the Epidarus Theatre in the Peloponnese region. This is to preserve the history and ancient stone ruins of iconic sites. The ban, introduced in 2009, was put in place because the sharp-soled shoes were causing damage to the national treasures. Visitors to the site should wear soft-soled shoes when visiting, so pack flats if heading to the Acropolis of Athens or risk a significant fine. 

3.                     Thailand- standing on money

Stepping on Thai currency is a crime; even accidentally standing on Thai money could get tourists a hefty jail sentence. The act is seen as disrespectful to the king because Thai notes and coins contain an image of his face. In Thailand, they see feet as the dirtiest part of the body, so under crimes violating majesty, the act is punishable with up to 15 years of imprisonment.

4.                     Italy, Amalfi coast- taking a selfie

The Mayor of Positano, a famous town on the Amalfi Coast, has introduced red zones as of Easter weekend, prohibiting tourists from lingering in frequented spots. To stop human traffic jams, common in the peak season, tourists caught staying for too long to take pictures of the scenery will be fined 275 euros. Luckily, the rules are only in place between 10:30 am and 6 pm, so they lift in time to catch the stunning sunsets. 

5.                     USA, New York- Jaywalking

Jaywalking is walking in the street or road unlawfully without regard for approaching traffic, which is illegal in New York. Tourists from abroad who cross the road whenever they deem it safe often unknowingly break these laws and are issued fines and tickets by police officers. The most common violation among pedestrians is failing to give the right of way to vehicles, walking against the traffic and not obeying the pedestrian control signs. 

6.                     Australia, Swearing

Swearing in public places in Australia is illegal, and if caught using foul language, offenders could be given a hefty fine. Every year in Australia, there are thousands of offensive language incidents, and thousands of dollars are taken in fines. The maximum penalty for using foul language in public in New South Wales and Western Australia is 660 and 500 dollars, while the maximum penalty for foul language in South Australia is harsher at a whooping 1250 dollars of three months imprisonment. 

7.                     UK, Being drunk in a pub.

Shockingly, it is against the law to get drunk at a pub in the UK. The Metropolitan Act of 1839 says it’s against the rule for “the keeper of a public house to permit drunkenness on-premises.” Heading to the pub and having one too many could leave pub-goers with a £200 fine if found to be intoxicated. 

8.                     Dubai, public displays of affection

PDA, including kissing, hugging, and holding hands, is illegal in Dubai, and those found to be breaking the law could be imprisoned or deported. Many foreigners have suffered the consequences of not following this rule, so couples should be extra careful when visiting the country. 

9.                     Santa Cruz de Tenerife, feeding stray animals.

This popular getaway location has introduced new rules prohibiting feeding stray animals under plans to preserve a better and cleaner environment. The new law means tourists can be fined for feeding stray and wild animals, such as pigeons, cats and dogs, because it is seen to be contributing to littering. Minor breaches will see tourists slapped with a 750 euro fine, while incidents deemed more serious will see tourists fined an eye-watering 3,000 euros.

10.      France, kissing at train stations.

The French railways became tired of the delays that farewell kisses were causing on the platform, which led to a law prohibiting smooching when the train was at the station. The law has been in place since 1910 to avoid costly delays and overcrowded train stations, but there is no formal penalty today. But to be safe, save kissing for the bus station. 


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